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The Multi-Strategy

Diversification and Methodology

Today, it becomes strategic for financial professionals to allocate a percentage of their portfolio in Digital Assets.

However, investing in this fast-moving and ever-evolving sector presents significant challenges.

Arkadia, through its Multi-Strategy methodology, offers comprehensive exposure to the Digital Assets sector while reducing risk.

Our advisory model consists of five independent, decorrelated strategies, each of them headed by a dedicated specialist.

These strategies work together to optimize the aggregate portfolio in terms of risk-return.


Strategic selection of protocols based on fundamental analysis that can generate value in the medium and long term.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Making efficient use of capital invested in digital assets through annuity operations using decentralized protocols. Performing lending and borrowing, staking and farming operations while maintaining strict risk control.

Crypto Trading BOT

Automated trading (BOT) through software that can autonomously execute buy and sell trades 24 hours a day. By automating the process, the BOT has a support function for the trader's activity.

Options Overlay

Use of derivative instruments that aim to protect the “long” positions in the portfolio and consequently the equity-line either through covered call strategies or by creating alpha on the underlying.

Venture Capital

Indirect selection of initiatives through qualified partnerships. 
Investment in blockchain startups, which requires great expertise, is among the most promising and profitable.

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